Despite lockdowns and restrictions Welsh Museums Festival is gearing up to help you enjoy a #HistoricHalfTerm this October, with a range of special COVID safe events at open museums, and a wealth of online events, activities and resources to delight all ages, from 24 October to 1 November.
Welsh Museums Festival is an annual event presented by the Federation of Museums and Art Galleries of Wales, which is the strategic body for museums and galleries and those working in this sector within Wales. It currently represents over 100 unique accredited Welsh museums, from the very small to our great national museums. Together, these invaluable collections tell the story of Wales, and are a treasured resource for learning, exploration and knowledge about our local and national identity, and how we have lived here in Wales since the dawn of time.
In regions not subject to local lockdowns, museums across Wales are preparing COVID safe activities at their sites, whereas others are preparing an offer that we can broadcast to your home, including online workshops, talks and activities. ‘Museum at home’ will be one of this year’s key themes, and as well as bringing museum content to homes we’ll also be helping you explore your home as a museum.
On top of all that, there will be plenty of activity and fun, to help make half term as interesting and exciting as possible and we’re on hand to support with Halloween hullabaloo too!
Speaking about the Festival, Federation of Welsh Museums President, Victoria Rogers said: “The Welsh Museums Festival provides a focus for museums in Wales to create events to empower and further connect with their local communities, and to excite a new generation about the history and stories of their place. Museums are guardians of our past, but they are essentially about people and about creating our future. This year’s Festival will be focusing on making sure people all across the country can take part in fun events and activities at their local museums – whether onsite or online – something we know is much needed at the moment.”
Welsh Museums Festival is funded by Welsh Government.
Welsh Museums Festival runs from 24 October – 1 November this year with a blend of physical and online events for all ages and many are FREE. Full details of activities during Welsh Museums Festival are available on the festival website: